The proposal for this four-year project was awarded the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Grants in 2022. The purpose of the project is to examine why the majority of Canadian engineering graduates no longer pursue traditional engineering career paths.
In its early stage, the project entails analysis of multiple existing data sets. In its later stage, it will involve the collection of individual and focus group data from senior engineering students and engineering alumni.
- Wilson-Ihejirika, D’Andre J.; Liu, Qin; Li, Joanna M.; Nisar, Mustafa; & Lin, Jiawen. (2023). Engineering pathways from high school to workplace: A review of the literature. Proceedings of the Annual Conference & Exposition of the American Society for Engineering Education, Baltimore, Maryland.
Team Leads:
Professor Greg Evans and Dr. Qin Liu
Research Assistants:
September 2022 – March 2023
- D’Andre Wilson-Ihejirika, doctoral student in Collaborative Specialization in Engineering Education
- Joanna Meihui Li, undergraduate student in Engineering Science
- Mustafa Nisar, undergraduate student in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Jiawen Ariana Lin, undergraduate student in Industrial Engineering