The OPTIONS Program
The OPTIONS Program is an initiative to support all engineering graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in exploring diverse career options.
Learn more here:
Program Details:
Date: Tuesday November 24
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 pm EST
Location: Online
What can you do with a masters in engineering? Come discover potential career pathways and meet an amazing line-up of alumni guests from a variety of sectors! In small groups, you will have a conversation with an alumni about their career: what they did at school to prepare for a job, how they made the transition from school to the workplace, and what they do in their current job. Over the course of the event, you will meet and speak to multiple alumni! Between these conversations, there will be short plenary discussions where alumni will share essential strategies and tips on planning for your future career.
Register today!
Institute for Aerospace StudiesInstitute of Biomedical EngineeringChemical Engineering & Applied ChemistryCivil EngineeringElectrical & Computer EngineeringMaterials Science & EngineeringMechanical & Industrial EngineeringOther
Post-doctoral FellowPhDMAScMEngMHScMEngCEMOther
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