The OPTIONS Program
The OPTIONS Program is an initiative to support all engineering graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in exploring diverse career options.
Learn more here:
Program Details:
Date: Tuesday June 2, 2020
Time: 1:00 – 2:00 pm EST (2:00 – 2:30 pm Optional Bonus Activity)
Location: Online
Looking to tune up your résumé and cover letter? Join us for a session with Career Exploration & Education to learn strategies and tips to build and refresh your job application material. We will discuss:
- How to analyze a job description so you can tailor your résumé
- Strategies to create a more effective and captivating résumé including writing accomplishment statements and developing a strong professional brand
- Key components that go into a cover letter
- Optional Bonus Activity (2:00 – 2:30 pm): Participate in a résumé review for personalized feedback! You will need to bring a digital copy of your working résumé (does not need to be finalized) and be ready to share it with your peers.
Facilitator: Natasha Jamal, Career Educator, Career Exploration & Education
Register today!
Institute for Aerospace StudiesInstitute of Biomaterials & Biomedical EngineeringChemical Engineering & Applied ChemistryCivil EngineeringElectrical & Computer EngineeringMaterials Science & EngineeringMechanical & Industrial EngineeringOther
Post-doctoral FellowPhD studentMAScMEngMHScMEngCEMOther
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