How do you handle the unknown? What happens when life throws a completely unexpected event (like a global pandemic) your way? Dig into your experiences and hear from an amazing line-up of alumni guests at Real Talk with ILead, where we explore how to become friendly with the unknown.
Through a creative, interactive panel, alumni will share their stories about roadblocks and what they’ve learned from twists, turns and upended plans in their lives. You’ll participate in resilience-building activities focused on your own life experiences that can help you grapple with the surprises along your path.
2020 Real Talk 3 – What Do I Do Now?
Undergraduate – Chemical EngineeringUndergraduate – Civil EngineeringUndergraduate – Computer EngineeringUndergraduate – Electrical EngineeringUndergraduate – Engineering Science (Year 1 and Year 2)Undergraduate – Engineering Science (Aerospace Engineering)Undergraduate – Engineering Science (Biomedical Systems)Undergraduate – Engineering Science (Electrical and Computer Engineering)Undergraduate – Engineering Science (Engineering Mathematics, Statistics and Finance)Undergraduate – Engineering Science (Energy Systems)Undergraduate – Engineering Science (Infrastructure Engineering)Undergraduate – Engineering Science (Machine Intelligence)Undergraduate – Engineering Science (Physics)Undergraduate – Engineering Science (Robotics Engineering)Undergraduate – Industrial EngineeringUndergraduate – Lassonde Mineral EngineeringUndergraduate – Materials EngineeringUndergraduate – Mechanical EngineeringTrackOneOtherMAScMEngMEngCEMMHScPhD studentPost-doctoral fellow
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